
Assignment #3.1: Exploration

Posted on Fri May 17 9:36 PM

My gap (one sentence problem statement)

In what way may I create an artifact that allows me to take better and more immersive video with regular digital cameras while doing action sports (ie. cycling).

List of Primary User Needs

  • Camera mount is tough.
  • Camera mount is adaptable.
  • Camera mount looks cool.
  • Camera mount is of good build quality. 
  • Camera mount prevents vibration
  • Camera mount works with regular DSLR cameras
  • Camera mount can be attached to the human body

Decomposition of the design problem

Since my selected artifact is physical, I selected the "Decomposing By Function" technique, as shown in the Lecture 3F.

In what way may I create an artifact that allows me to take better and more immersive video with regular digital cameras while doing action sports (ie. cycling).

I selected the following two main categories:

A. Ways to attach de digital camera to the body
B. Places in which the camera holder may be attached to the human body

A. Ways to attach the digital camera to the body

  • Attach using camera straps
  • Screw with the universal camera bolt to a belt
  • Tie it with rope
  • Place it inside a fixable transparent container / accessory holder
  • Fix it with an elastic device (ie. neoprene suit, elastic girdle)
  • Fix it with velcro
  • Attach to a tripod/monopod
  • Attach by using zippers
  • Attach by magnetism

B. Places in which the camera holder may be attached to the human body (Ergonomics)

  • Top of the head
  • Forehead
  • Torso
  • Shoulders
  • Back
  • Hands
  • Arms

Connecting and Combining

  1. Attach the digital camera to the TORSO by using the CAMERA STRAPS
  2. Attach the digital camera to the TOP OF THE HEAD by using the UNIVERSAL CAMERA SCREW 
  3. Attach the digital camera to the BACK by using the MONOPOD
  4. Attach the digital camera to the SHOULDERS by using the TRANSPARENT CONTAINER
  5. Attach the digital camera to the TORSO by using the VELCRO
  6. Attach the digital camera to the TORSO by using the NEOPRENE SUIT
  7. Attach the digital camera to the NECK by using the CAMERA STRAPS
  8. Attach the digital camera to the TOP OF THE HEAD by using the TRIPOD
  9. Attach the digital camera to the TORSO by using the TRANSPARENT CONTAINER
  10. Attach the digital camera to the ARM by using the ELASTIC
    Ten concept sketches

    Next are the 10 concepts sketches with alternatives for solving my gap. Should you require more detail, please click on the image to open it in a larger size.

    Assignment #3.2: Two point perspective

    Posted on Sat May 18 11:49 PM

    Simple chair in 2 point perspective (three quarter view).

    Here is my attempt on doing a simple chair on 2 point perspective. Some very faint lines were intentionally left in the drawing so as to show the way in which two-point perspective was obtained.

    Practice for 2 point perspective (three quarter view).

    Here are my first attempts on two-point perspective.

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